+ Saying the "Right...Right..." from this tiktok, in all sorts of situations, honestly.
+ "Honey, you've got a big storm comin'" from this acting video.
+ From Arrested Development; "It's a banana, Michael. What could it cost? Ten dollars?"
+ "It's my money, and I need it now!"
+ lil' sweet sliding down the bannister! This commercial is also quoted without rhyme or reason.
+ "Fun times at Fairmont High." I don't know how or why, probably to do with a similar movie title, though. It matches or follows our quoting Prince Gerhardt's "Oh, it feels good to laugh" from a 30 Rock episode.
+ I ask "Hello???" and "SIR?" in a very specific, kind of deep tone. It imprinted on me from two youtubers that I no longer watch. I do it when confused or having a problem during a task, but it's also just a sort of vocal stim, especially the latter.
+ "Hi, I'm Meso-Face" is a classic but also very obscure. There was an old mesothelioma commercial that everyone knows. The commercial starts abruptly and the man says hello in just enough of a weird/odd way that we started saying it whenever the commercial came on. So instead of, "Hi, if you have mesothelioma..." it's "Hi, I'm Meso-Face 🤠"
+ I suppose this is not just a saying but a quote because it rubbed off on me from one of my workmates. "You're joking..." in a slightly sarcastic, exasperated tone of disbelief. I say it internally all the time when things unexpectedly go wrong or irritate/get in my way.
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