Birds 🦅

Number of types I remember seeing or hearing in real life: 66

Most unique to me: Kookaburra, Peacock (white; purple male; brown male; etc.), Button Quail, ...

Birds that stick around in my backyard are common ones but nonetheless beautiful. There is a red cardinal pair. There's a shy mourning dove I hear but never see, also a house wren too small for me to spot. A talkative nuthatch. A large, extended family of starlings. A female hummingbird. Blue jays and robins and sparrows. Brown-headed cowbirds have visited, and their unique & wonderful song still echoes in my mind. Little juncos, wrens, chickadees, downey woodpeckers, and the like. A couple of hawks have moved into the neighborhood this year - I want to identify what kind at some point.

What I love most about birds is definitely their songs and calls.